Home for the Holidays


Congratulations to November Our Winners!

We are thrilled to announce the winners of our Home for the Holidays, December 2024 raffle! Thank you to everyone who participated and made this event so special. Your support helps us continue bringing joy and community spirit to the holiday season. Without further ado, let’s celebrate the lucky winners!

Winners Table

First Name Last Name Property
Kevin Miguel A Burgundy Palms
Alexandra R Alameda Palms
Gilbert G Americas Palms
Laura G Anthony Palms
Myrna O R Artcraft Palms
Kayla Marie H Canutillo Palms
Mileena G Jaime O Perez Memorial Apartments
Ruby D North Desert Palms
Carolina O North Desert Palms
Perla Judith V North Desert Palms
Gabriela H Paseo Palms
Devin B Patriot Palms
Manuel G River Palms
Margarita A River Palms
Lidya G River Palms
Clayton H Sunset Palms
Teresa R Tres Palmas
Beatriz B Verde Palms
Jesus M R Verde Palms
Elizabeth H Vinton Palms

Thank You for Supporting Our Community

This year’s Home for the Holidays raffle was a tremendous success, and it’s all thanks to you! Events like these bring us closer together as a community while spreading holiday cheer. Stay tuned for more exciting events in the coming year—we can’t wait to share them with 

Don’t Miss December’s Home for the Holidays Raffle!

November may be over, but the excitement continues! You still have another opportunity to participate in our Home for the Holidays, December 2024 raffle. The fun begins the first week of December, and the same rules apply:

  • Pay your rent 3 days early (by December 1) to receive three entries.

  • Pay 2 days early (by December 2) to receive two entries.

  • Pay by the last day (December 3) to receive one entry.

This month, the prizes are bigger and better than ever! Don’t miss your chance to win amazing rewards while starting the holiday season off right. Stay tuned for the prize announcement and get ready to make this December unforgettable!

Thank You for Supporting Our Community

This year’s Home for the Holidays raffle was a tremendous success, and it’s all thanks to you! Events like these bring us closer together as a community while spreading holiday cheer. Stay tuned for more exciting events in the coming year—we can’t wait to share them with you!

    How to Pay: Click Here to pay online or Pay in person with your property manager.

    We would like to thank our sponsors for making Home for the Holidays possible:





    We’re excited to make this holiday season memorable and fun for all our tenants. We appreciate you choosing us for your home, and we look forward to seeing you participate in Home for the Holidays.

     Contest Conditions

    *  Must be current on rent with no outstanding rent or fees.
    *  Must be a current resident of a property managed by Tropicana Properties and must be a signatory on the lease contract.
    *  Only one entry per household, multiple entries may result in automatic disqualification. 
    *  Entry does not guarantee a prize.
    *  Void where prohibited. 





    By participating in the “Home for the Holidays” contest and accepting any prize, you automatically give consent to Tropicana Properties to use your likeness and/or digital photos for marketing and promotional purposes, including but not limited to social media, brochures, and other advertising collateral. This contest is open exclusively to eligible tenants of Tropicana Properties. Eligible tenants are defined as those who are listed on their apartment lease and are in good financial standing with their property at the time of participation.

    No purchase is necessary to enter the contest. By participating, tenants agree to abide by the rules and conditions set forth in the contest. Tropicana Properties reserves the right to refuse prizes to any tenant who is deemed ineligible, including those not meeting the eligibility criteria.


    Las temporada festiva está aquí, y queremos que sea extra especial para nuestros valiosos inquilinos. Para difundir un poco de alegría, estamos emocionados de anunciar Home for the Holidays, un concurso para aquellos que pagan su alquiler de diciembre temprano! Paga tu alquiler y automáticamente entran en un sorteo para obtener premios emocionantes, ¡incluyendo una PlayStation 5!


    Cómo participar:

    • Pague su alquiler antes del 1 de noviembre y automáticamente entra en el sorteo tres veces!
    • Pague su alquiler entre el 1 o el 2 de noviembre, y automáticamente entra en el sorteo dos veces!
    • Pague su alquiler el 3 de noviembre, y automáticamente entra en el sorteo solo una vez!

    Cómo Pagar: Haga clic aquí para pagar en línea o pague en persona con su administrador de propiedades.


    Estamos emocionados de ver que esta temporada festiva sea memorable y divertida para todos nuestros inquilinos. Agradecemos que nos haya elegido para su hogar y esperamos verlo participar en Home for the Holidays.


    Condiciones del concurso
    *  Debe estar al día en alquiler sin ningún alquiler o cargos pendientes.
    *  Debe ser residente actual de una propiedad administrada por Tropicana Properties y debe ser firmante del contrato de arrendamiento.
    *  Solo una entrada por hogar, múltiples entradas pueden resultar en descalificación automática.
    *  La entrada no garantiza un premio.
    *  No valido donde esté prohibido.



    Descargo de responsabilidad:Al participar en el concurso “Home for the Holidays” y aceptar cualquier premio, automáticamente otorga su consentimiento a Tropicana Properties para utilizar su imagen y/o fotos digitales con fines de marketing y promoción, incluyendo pero no limitado a redes sociales, folletos y otros materiales publicitarios. Este concurso está abierto exclusivamente a inquilinos elegibles de Tropicana Properties. Los inquilinos elegibles son aquellos que figuran en su contrato de arrendamiento y están al corriente de sus pagos con la propiedad al momento de la participación.

    No es necesario realizar ninguna compra para ingresar al concurso. Al participar, los inquilinos aceptan cumplir con las reglas y condiciones establecidas en el concurso. Tropicana Properties se reserva el derecho de rechazar premios a cualquier inquilino que sea considerado inelegible, incluyendo aquellos que no cumplan con los criterios de elegibilidad.


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