Blood Sugar Levels and Feeling Tired

Does your day feel like it is one long ride filled with hectic schedules at every turn? It seems to be like that for so many of us. For some, it only takes a good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast to be able to cope with the pressure and stress of the day.

However, for those who have problems with their blood sugar, it may not be as simple or as easy as that. An individual who has elevated blood sugar levels may not look like someone who is particularly ‘out of sorts’. Your naked eyes cannot see that inside their body is an exhausting surge of chemical and hormonal reactions taking place caused by their high blood glucose.

Feelings of Elevated Blood Sugar

Elevated levels of blood sugar can bring about different effects and different reactions from one person to another. Also, each occurrence of high blood sugar may result in different symptoms for each individual.

One person may describe it as a thick feeling in the base of the brain while others may complain about feeling weighed down.

Others also describe their high blood sugar moments as feeling as if they are exercising with weighted boots on while there are those who refer to such an experience as ‘being submerged in an ocean of jelly’.

Factors that Affect Blood Sugar and Energy Levels

It is important to keep your energy levels on an even keel to ensure that you don’t experience these feelings.

To do this it is important to pay careful attention to what you are eating for your meals and especially during snack time. Eating white bread, white pasta and other foods that contain refined carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar levels to spike. This sugar spike that one experiences after loading up on foods that contain white carbs and sugar, may feel like having a shot of caffeine or other stimulants, but its subsequent physiological consequences may not be at all beneficial. Our body normally has an efficient response system that deals with what is called a ‘sugar spike’. While this may appear unfortunate or even unfair, it is actually essential to our survival.

Why Blood Sugar Causes Fatigue

When consuming sugary foods, the body will immediately send a message to release the hormone insulin so that glucose will be transported from the blood into the cells for energy production. If there is too much sugar intake for immediate use and blood glucose levels remain too high, one result is inflammation of the blood vessels. This is a response normally invoked to deal with infection or damage.

If this occurs the immune cells of the body, which are called monocytes, will be transported to other areas of the body. Their unneeded arrival at the brain will induce fatigue.

In cases when an individual’s body does not produce insulin or the body no longer effectively reacts to the insulin produced, the blood sugar may not be able to gain access to the muscle cells, so the cells are also unable to receive the energy that they need. This occurrence will then lead to fatigue.

If you often find yourself experiencing fatigue, your diet may be the culprit. You may consider trialing a low-carb, high-protein diet as studies show that this works effectively in overcoming problems with energy and blood sugar levels.


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