Press Release Test 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vel arcu eu lectus lacinia volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas malesuada tortor vitae magna sollicitudin pellentesque. Donec laoreet lacinia turpis in aliquet. Sed eget bibendum nisl, eu...

Press Release Test

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vel arcu eu lectus lacinia volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas malesuada tortor vitae magna sollicitudin pellentesque. Donec laoreet lacinia turpis in aliquet. Sed eget bibendum nisl, eu...

Free Trash Collection for Elderly or Disabled Tenants

In an effort to help our community during this time of social distancing, Tropicana Properties offers FREE trash collection for elderly or disabled tenants. If you live at one of the following properties, please leave your bagged trash outside of your front door...

Free Online Zumba Classes in April

Stay fit with practicing Social Distancing! We will be offering FREE ZUMBA CLASSES, Online, via Zoom at the following properties: Alameda Palms TownhomesAmericas PalmsBurgundy PalmsCanutillo PalmsCapistrano PalmsCastner PalmsDeer PalmsDyer PalmsHomestead PalmsHorizon...

Free GED/ESL Classes in April

Social Distancing can offer you the ability to enhance you knowledge and skills from home. We are offering FREE GED & ESL preparation classes this month. They will take place Every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm – 1pm and 3pm-4pm. Please send us a Direct Message...